Saturday 30 January 2016

Female menstrual cramps can you eat bananas

Women especially should pay attention to food during menstruation, especially women with cold symptoms should pay more attention. Then, female menstrual cramps can eat bananas?

Female menstrual cramps can you eat bananas Department experts point out that since bananas are rich in vitamin B6, and vitamin B6 have stability in period of anxiety and, therefore, menstrual period women can eat bananas.

Some property partial cool of food cannot more eat, for example ice products, and melon, and eggplant, and Loofah, and cucumber, and melon, and crab, and snail, and kelp, and shoots, and orange, and pears, and grapefruit, and watermelon and so on, and the sour of food, as plum, and not mature taste acid of fruit, or some spicy food, as fried real, and pepper, and pepper, and mustard and so on, also are should avoid in period within edible, so as not to caused blood not smooth of status. In the menstrual period should have some pressure in fruit and vegetables, such as cabbage, potatoes, shrimp, ham, corn, tomatoes, and so on. 

Menstrual insisted exercise is beneficial to the health of women. Of course is the women's menstrual period a special physiological periods, on exercise, sports select the health requirements for, sports and so on, should be strictly controlled, reasonable arrangement.

Menstrual periods maintenance:

1, try not to wash your hair during the period, if not washing, wash at noon as possible, wash the head must be dried immediately.

2, to keep warm during the period, that is, less air conditioning?, in an air-conditioned room to put on more clothes.

3, avoid cold drinks, drinking ice water will let the dirty blood cannot be successfully discharged.

4, eat sweets, pollution can help blood metabolism.


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