Thursday, 28 January 2016

Improve the ability to do what?

Professional muscle terminology may be hard to understand, but to perform better during sex, men need to have the following points: 1. A solid foundation, or shoulders, arms, chest and triceps, which will ensure you support the body weight for a longer time, makes you more able to achieve some of the more difficult postures of sex.

2. better flexibility, allows your body to open wider.

3. greater force, some feel back pain, aches and even spasms after sex, this is the result of muscle imbalance, you need to exercise some overlooked smaller muscle groups, maintaining their flexibility, time to prepare for the "next turn".

4. better fitness, men build muscle size and strength, but ignores the durability, sexual intercourse very sophisticated muscle endurance and rhythm, you need endurance training, mimicking sexual intercourse for some, exercise the small muscles, avoid too tired easily.

Exercise capacity and better health for men, you can cite multiple weights didn't matter much, it depends on your body's ability to swing. "Wonderful sex differences are mainly the ones you cannot see, touch the small muscles. "New York Spectrum Wellness Health Centre boss Jeff Bell said," to practice these subtle and sexy muscle is not difficult, but you have to train their strength, endurance and flexibility, strengthen and lengthen the muscles. ”

Bell recommends at least 2 or 3 times a week for 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise movement.


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