Saturday, 30 January 2016

How painless plucking your eyebrows

When we use this word when it looks so terrible? Remove??. Plucking your eyebrows are terrible not only names but also painful.? If you unplug the eyebrows without any pain? Most women preferred ...

Show you how painless plucking your eyebrows

Do you know the technology they adopt? Here, we've collected a number of handy tricks pulled? Eyebrows without pain. 

1. Tweezers to pluck the eyebrows of tool use. If they are not sharp or can't hold your eyebrow hair you tight? Eyebrows can be damaged. You want to straighten their hair several times, which can cause irritation and pain. To avoid this? With tweezers, clear and accurate, painless pick. Does the company offer? Sharpening service.

2, to prevent allergic reactions, ensure that the tool you are using is clean.

3, wash your face with warm water, cover the eyebrow area with a towel. This helps to enlarge pores, reduced? Pain and recovery. When the pores open, hair is easy. This is the perfect pick.

4, now sitting in front of a mirror as close as possible. Turn on all the room lights, eyebrows visible.

5, pull your skin with one hand, the other hand holding a pair of pliers. Careful directions.? What about you? To bring your skin to the direction of the hair, making it easier to pick.

6, light's help, pull up the direction of your hair. How much time do you want to spend? Pull your hair one. However, if you use a jerk to take it, it will cause less suffering. Pain caused by plucking a little lag time between. If you want to repeat the pore-expanding program, you can do it. Remember not to rub the skin difficult? Because it will cause damage.

7. You can use any of the convergence or harvested ice closes pores. Apply any lotion or petroleum jelly also helps? Ease the pain. It can also prevent any allergic reaction and skin redness. Application of talcum powder is another way to do this? Reduce allergic reactions.

Shape your eyebrows following these tips, allow you to enjoy the new style of picking. Handy about this program? You practice it often. More you will get your eyebrows. You can even use a different style of eyebrows? Picking. If you repeat this procedure every month, you will feel pain and less hair next time. It has? Observation, limiting conventional plucking your eyebrows to grow in the same direction as you pluck them.


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