Friday, 29 January 2016

Each year added 50 cancer patients with obesity

A new report shows that obesity causes around the world adding 500,000 cancer patients a year, close to two-thirds and obesity-related cancers in North America and Europe. This report through an analysis of data from 184 countries shows that in 2012, added 345,000 new overweight women with cancer (5.4%), while men added 136,000 patients (1.9%).

For women, postmenopausal breast cancer, endometrial cancer and colon cancer associated with obesity for almost three-fourths (250,000), colon and kidney cancers and men accounted for two-thirds per cent of cancers associated with obesity (nearly 90,000 cases). In developed countries, women who are overweight and about 8% of cancer, and 3% of male cancer, by contrast, in developing countries, overweight and 1.5% women and 0.3% men about cancer.

In 2012, the area with the largest number of obesity-related cancer patients in North America, more than 110,000 (global account for 23%), and with the least amount of areas in sub-Saharan Africa, 7300 (1.5% per cent of the global total). In Europe, there were 66,000 cases of cancer caused by obesity. Countries with rates of obesity-related cancers vary widely. Of the particularly high rate of cancer among men is the Czech Republic (2012 5.5% new cancer cases), Jordan and Argentina (4.5%), and the United Kingdom and Malta (4.4%). In women, female cancer rates in Barbados (12.7%), the Czech Republic (12%) and Puerto Rico (11.6%). 

According to the study published in the journal Lancet Oncology, in the Sub-Saharan African countries where the lowest, 4% cannot be less than 2% of men and women. "Our findings confirmed the world's efforts to address obesity on the rise. Since 1980, global epidemic of obesity has doubled the number of adults. If this trend continues, it will definitely increase the burden of cancer in the future, especially in the northern part of South America and Africa, in the past 30 years, obesity with a maximum speed increase. "The head of research, Dr Malina·anuode in the journal of the International Agency for research on cancer said at a news conference.

"If 3.6% of cancer associated with overweight and obesity, the number of cancer patients will reach nearly 1 million, but this number is so great mainly because of the population of the world is very large. "The United Kingdom Dr benjieming·kaiensi of Oxford University wrote in an editorial. Global health resource for cancer prevention is not too rich, resources for obesity must be weighed against other important cause of cancer, particularly infections and smoking, which are the main causes of cancer. "He said.

According to this study, obesity is associated with the increasing number of cancer cases in the world, but this does not prove that there is a causal relationship between the two.

Small message: although obesity may not directly cause cancer, but the negative effects of obesity on the body is absolute. For good health, weight control is something that everyone should pay attention to.


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