Saturday, 30 January 2016

5 of the most effective methods to get rid of skin blemishes

Removal of spots is the most effective way through home remedies. I mean by skin blemishes acne marks, scars, blackheads, white heads acne, pores, and so on, many people believe that the most effective method of removing defects through chemical operation, in fact, necessary, and in fact they may cause side effects. Diet can actually take better care of your skin, you can get better skin, these defects may not occur or even if they will disappear in a very short period of time.

The most effective method of removing defects there are several, and they're not expensive.

Here are the 5 most effective method for removing blemishes from the skin.

1. You must be a SOAP-Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is very soothing skin, Aloe Vera has good anti-inflammatory effect and is very helpful to eliminate acne, elimination of smallpox in India, and can be a good, long-term use you will find that your skin tone uneven and defective tags will start to disappear, you will get an even skin tone after about two weeks.

2, you have to take more vitamin e and vitamin c, and you can even take antioxidant, it helps restore your skin. Vitamins are good for the skin because they protect the skin against harmful factors of the defect. If you are taking a drug, then you must consult your doctor before using these antioxidants and vitamins.

3, you can use lemon juice, tomato juice and honey mask. All of these ingredients helps restore your skin. Making it more delicate luster. They have a bleaching effect, reducing blemishes that appear on your skin. You have to be a teaspoon of the juice. Then apply this mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. 

4, you can also make a strawberry and orange juice and yoghurt mask. This will contribute to the Elimination of defects, and has a good moisturizing effect, and exfoliating effect, allowing rapid restore luster, delicate skin. Reduce and eventually eliminate acne skin. Mash of strawberries cut into small pieces, then add the orange juice and yogurt, and stir with a spoon to make it fully integrated ... The mask onto face and rinse after 15 minutes.

5. Lime, Blueberry, egg white facial mask is also a great effect, removing flaws from your skin. This will help you in the dark light, eventually beset you get rid of blemishes.


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